What We Have Learned

In Containerize Application they run each Service with its own dependencies in separate Containers


Docker is a container management service. The keywords of Docker are develop, ship and run anywhere. The whole idea of Docker is for developers to easily develop applications, ship them into containers which can then be deployed anywhere


Kubernetes in an open source container management tool hosted by Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). This is also known as the enhanced version of Borg which was developed at Google to manage both long running processes and batch jobs, which was earlier handled by separate systems


Jenkins is a powerful application that allows continuous integration and continuous delivery of projects, regardless of the platform you are working on. It is a free source that can handle any kind of build or continuous integration. You can integrate Jenkins with a number of testing and deployment technologies

Milestone to achieve


Akanksha is a passionate Frontend Developer.

What's Next In Her Bucket?

AWS, Linux, YAML.

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Akanksha Is Learning all these from KodeKloud

Akanksha Agrawal

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